{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver

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{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver
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Finnur þú ekki það sem þú ert að leita að?

Við höfum ferðast um allan heimin og erum því sérfræðingar þegar kemur að ferðalögum. Hafðu samband við okkur og við aðstoðum þig við að skipuleggja draumaferðina þína.

Classic Myanmar Adventure

Day 1 Yangon

Arrive at any time.

Day 2 Yangon/Kyaiktiyo (1B)

Visit the incredible Shwedagon Pagoda before driving to the base of Golden Rock. Enjoy a pleasant hike to the top for an overnight stay.

Day 3 Kyaiktiyo/Yangon (1B)

Travel back to Yangon, stopping in Bago to see a reclining Buddha.

Day 4 Yangon/Mandalay (1B)

Take an early flight to Mandalay and explore its ancient temples and sights, like the Golden Monastery.

Day 5 Mandalay (1B)

Visit the nearby ancient royal capital of Amarapura. Opt to traverse the world's longest teak bridge. Visit the village of Mingun before returning to Mandalay.

Day 6 Mandalay/Bagan (1B)

Cruise down the Ayeyarwady River to ancient Bagan.

Day 7 Bagan (1B)

Enjoy a packed day learning about the culture and history of this once great civilization. Visit ancient sites that host hundreds of temples and stupas. Visit the Nyaung Oo market.

Day 8 Bagan (1B)

Enjoy a free day and continue your exploration of this gorgeous area or take some time to relax.

Day 9 Bagan/Kalaw (1B)

Drive to the cooler air of Kalaw, a former British hill station, visiting Mt Popa en route.

Day 10 Kalaw (1B, 1L)

Stretch your legs with a hike through the scenic hills of Kalaw and enjoy an included lunch.

Day 11 Kalaw/Inle Lake (1B)

Enjoy a free morning exploring Kalaw. In the afternoon, board the local train for a scenic journey to Inle Lake.

Day 12 Inle Lake (1B)

Explore the lake by boat and visit some of its floating villages. Try to spot the famous Intha leg-rowers during the tour.

Day 13 Inle Lake/Yangon (1B, 1D)

Fly back to Yangon for a final chance to explore and shop in the old capital. Enjoy a farewell dinner at a G Adventures-supported project.

Day 14 Yangon (1B)

Depart any time.

Hvað er innifalið?


Hotels (12 nts), simple guesthouse (1 nt).

Staðbundnar samgöngur

Private bus, public bus, plane, boat, bicycle, walking.


13 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner 13 Breakfasts

Frekari upplýsingar

All prices listed are in US Dollars (USD), per person (unless stated otherwise), and are subject to change as services are provided by third party operators.

Hot Air Balloon- USD 320 for standard or USD 380 for premium service - per person
Bicycle hire- 5 USD
Bagan Archaeology Museum- 5 USD
Horse cart- 15 USD

Inle Lake
Red Mountain Winery- 10 USD

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Úbbs - Síðan sem þú reyndir að opna er ekki til. Við vonum að þú finnir það sem þú ert að leita að hér.