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{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver
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Finnur þú ekki það sem þú ert að leita að?

Við höfum ferðast um allan heimin og erum því sérfræðingar þegar kemur að ferðalögum. Hafðu samband við okkur og við aðstoðum þig við að skipuleggja draumaferðina þína.

Knuckles Mountain Range Hiking Trail


Knuckles Mountain Range Hiking Trail

Day 1: Kandy

Be ready on time in the lobby of your hotel as your guide and driver will meet you there. After a 1h drive on hilly roads, we're there! Unleash your adventurous side and get ready to explore the knuckles of a giant fist, also known as the Knuckles Mountain Range! This wild and breathtaking hike will take you on a scenic journey through misty montane forests and across diverse terrains - from forests to grasslands, streams to waterfalls, and plenty of mountain vistas.

Climb aboard the A26 for a scenic ride through rolling hills, tranquil lakes, and lush tea estates before embarking on a 12km walk through the misty high-altitude forests. Keep your eyes peeled for rare lizards, birds, and a 3km mini-trek to the 'World's End' with jaw-dropping views. This 8-hour journey is perfect for those looking for a challenging walk amid the jungle surroundings and is suitable for those on firm ground. So, gear up and conquer the Knuckles Mountain Range - it's a one-way trip you won't forget! Transfer back to your hotel in the late afternoon.

Meals: Lunch (lunch box)
Transportation: Kandy to Knuckles Range Basecamp by Car or Van, Knuckles Range Basecamp to Kandy by Car or Van
Miscellaneous: English-speaking Station guide, Knuckles Range National Park Entrance Fees 

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Staðbundnar samgöngur

Kandy to Knuckles Range Basecamp by Car or Van, Knuckles Range Basecamp to Kandy by Car or Van



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